Uganda MobiMOOC - Financial Literacy

Course Description

Majority of Uganda’s population poor live in rural areas with no or limited access to financial services. Consequently, farmers come together and set up village savings and credit groups to save and borrow amongst themselves. These groups have been found to lead to an improvement in household business outcomes and women’s empowerment (Ksoll, Lilleør, Lønborg, & Rasmussen, 2016). They have a huge potential to bring financial services to the millions of Ugandans that remain unbanked and excluded from the formal financial services sector. However, their potential is limited by a host of challenges including but not limited to – low loan repayment rates, lack of management skills and conflict. Moreover, saving and investing responsibly is still a challenge to a bulk of Uganda’s populations especially in rural areas. Figures indicate that the ratio of financial savings to GDP in Uganda – a measure of financial literacy – is about 13.5 percent compared to Kenya’s average of 16 percent and Tanzania’s 21.6 percent (World Bank, 2016). There is an urgent need to nurture and strengthen community based financial systems to “…increase access to and use of financial services by the rural poor population”. This course leverages the ubiquitous presence of mobile phones to improve the capacity of farmers in Uganda especially those under the Life Long Learning for Farmers initiative in financial literacy and business management. It is intended improve farmers knowledge of proper decision-making pertaining to certain personal finance areas like, financial planning, loans and credit management, savings, investment, etc.

Course Content

The course includes an introductory message that explains the purpose of the course, instructions on how users access the course, a toll-free telephone number for learner support; and financial literacy content on saving, budgeting, record keeping, making financial decisions for better results, saving with the bank, loan acquisition, business investment, how to protect yourself from business drawbacks and insurance.

Course Audience

The course targets smallholder farmers in the Lango sub-region of Northern Uganda especially those being supported under COL's Life Long Learning for Farmers (L3F). It also targets village agents serving farming communities under the auspices of M-Omulimisa's Village Agent Model. M-Omulimisa is an agriculture technology company that leverage mobile technology, farmer networks, partnerships and a network of village agents to provide a bundle of agriculture-related services including improved seed, fertilizer, agriculture insurance delivered through a microloan product provided in partnership Microfinance Institutions (MFIs). M-Omulimisa is providing this course with support from the Commonwealth of Learning (COL).

Outcomes of this Course

  1. Planning and proper budgeting is at the core of financial discipline and prosperity
  2. Save to avoid unnecessary debts
  3. “Never to dig a hole to fill up another hole.” It’s easy to get into debt but hard to get out.
  4. To always evaluate for the best financial product offers on the market
  5. Invest for future growth
  6. Prepare for the unexpected by taking up agriculture insurance
  7. Strong financial management systems are very critical for success of farmer organizations and SMEs